The Veranda

The Veranda

Thank you Writeworld for giving me a prompt to start writing again, it’s always fun! So here is a little short story for those who care to read it Writeworld mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a memory about this sentence. Write something about this sentence. “Even your own … Continue reading

The sexual threats against Emma Watson are an attack on every woman

The sexual threats against Emma Watson are an attack on every woman

This article is taken from As I have nothing to add to it, please enjoy and continue to spread the message. In her famous 1996 commencement address, writer Nora Ephron warned the new graduates of Wellesley college that they were entering a world that was hostile to women’s achievements and begged them to “take … Continue reading

Misogyny: the Tale of Woefully Perpetuated Ignorance

Misogyny: the Tale of Woefully Perpetuated Ignorance

I am a feminist, there, I said it; that dreadful word that everyone seems to willfully discern incorrect definitions from. To clarify for any haters on feminism that may chance upon this blog. Feminism: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities (Merriam Webster online dictionary) Feminism is not misandry, nor is … Continue reading